Safe Pad – The Intelligent Choice

Safe Pad – The Intelligent Choice

Venue: Ram Rahim tekra area, &other underprivileged schools, Ahmedabad – Aug 2019

Ficci Flo, as a part of CSR initiative had organised small programmes for distributing Sanitary Pad to girls and women living in slum area and underprivileged schools of Ahmedabad. To help this cause, Dr. Nitin Sumant Shah, chairman of HFRI distributed sanitary pads (Safe Pad) at Ram Rahim Tekra and other underprivileged schools of Ahmedabad in association with Ficci Flo. These pads were reusable and hygienic with durability of 2 and half year. It was a very sensitive and hygienic concept for women as it can lead to cancer disease. In this programme, more than 200 women and girls participated where they had been given free reusable sanitary pad a packet of 4 pads with precise knowledge of hygiene, and importance of using sanitary pads.