Ahmedabad Film Festival - Thalassemia Awareness Film

Ahmedabad Film Festival - Thalassemia Awareness Film 

Venue: Ravishankar Raval Bhavan, Law Garden, Ahmedabad – 8th March 2017 – 4 to 7pm

On the occasion of international women’s day – Ahmedabad film festival sponsored by Dr. Nitin Sumant Shah, Chairman of HFRI and screened by Women Film makers. To celebrate the womanhood festival, honourable Mayor Shri Gautam Shah, AMC attended as a chief guest and Dr. Nitin Sumant Shah, Chairman of HFRI was a guest of honour. There were in total of six film’s screening including Thalassemia Ek Chunouti written for the awareness of Thalassemia. This film had been dubbed in English language with the help of HFRI. To promote the talent of Ahmedabad film makers and provide them a platform to present films at one place by introducing Ahmedabad film festival and to discuss about the development of filmy culture were the aim of this festival.